I was on Facebook one October morning and  I suddenly noticed a really curious thing.  Several of my friends had donated their status to an event titled “National Coming Out Day”. I thought to myself, ‘What’s that about?’ 

A quick Google search and a few mouse clicks later, I found that National Coming Out Day originated in the US in 1988 and October 11 is now an annual celebration that encourages LGBT people and their supporters to live open and honest lives. How cool is that! 

So many of us live dual lives at home, at work and even with our closest of friends. We constantly live in fear of being ‘outed’ and losing the ones we love most. We exist in the hope that someday we can live open lives.

The repeal on Article 377 turned on the faucets of 150 years of repression and there is no turning them off. Our actual fight begins now. As we have become more visible to society, there are widespread protests. For the first time all the religious sects are coming together on a single platform to oppose us, when they would usually fight amongst each other. 

So changing the law is not the answer to our country’s problems. There is a lot of advocacy work that needs to be done, especially amongst those who influence society.  

The more we as LGBT people tell our stories and engage the straights in our lives, the  closer we are to achieving equality. 

We need to make every day ‘National Coming Out Day'! 

Editor, TQC 
12/23/2010 08:53:46 am

Christmas Eve means safe. When beautiful melody flows in your dream tonight~


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